Article the First, The Congressional Apportionment Amendment of the Bill of Rights has been Ratified since 1792 at the latest. Lets Make Congress Follow this Amendment. One Representative for every 50,000 People in the USA. 

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Below is a list of the states that ratified the Congressional Apportionment Amendment (CAA) Article the First from the Bill of Rights and the dates they ratified it. Over 80% of the states ratified Article the First into Constitutional Law by 1792.
How many States voted yes and when did Article the First become ratified by at least 75% of the states:

1. New Jersey 11/20/1789 - YES
2. Maryland 12/19/1789 - YES
3. North Carolina 12/22/1789 - YES
4. South Carolina 1/19/1790 - YES
5. New Hampshire 1/25/1790 - YES
6. New York 2/24/1790 - YES
7. Connecticut 5/10/1790 - YES
8. Rhode Island 5/29/1790 - YES
9. Pennsylvania 9/21/1791 - YES
10. Virginia 11/3/1791 - YES
11. Vermont 11/3/1791 - YES
Even with Massachusetts, Georgia and Connecticut never being marked up on Jeffersons Tabulation chart,  there was a belief by Thomas Jefferson that the Congressional Apportionment Amendment or  11 of the 12 amendments were ratified (Rounding up on 9 of the 13 states) and that is why those three states aren't shown as voting. It wasn't needed. Delaware was marked as a NO vote but not Massachusetts, Georgia and Connecticut. (Historical note: Delaware didn't vote no, they postponed.) The round up caused the Congressional Apportionment Amendment to be ratified in Jefferson's mind but Jefferson never knew Connecticut voted (or if he did, he never marked it). That's the reason no more markups were made on the Tabulation chart.  Jefferson thought it past with the other amendments, (Not the Pay amendment which he marked as not passed). Even if you don't believe on the roundup like Jefferson did, now that we know for sure that Connecticut voted for the Congressional Apportionment Amendment, or 11 of the 14 states and you have a ratified amendment regardless.

So as of 11/3/1791, 11 of the then 14 states or 78.6% of the states  had effectively ratified Article the First by the Constitution's Article V standards therefore consummating Article the First into permanent Federal Constitutional Law. 75% was the threshold. Then Boom, a statehood vote no one knew was coming.
12. Kentucky 6/1/1792 - YES to all 12 amendments.

 and we now have 12 of the then 15 states ratifying Article the First. 80% of the states at this point have ratified this Article into permanent Federal Constitutional Law. This is pretty simple to see to anyone reading it. You know the line. If you can't believe your own eyes......
As of today, Archivist of the United States David Ferriero still won't believe his own eyes and present the Congressional Apportionment Amendment as being ratified to Congress.
In reading the Final Reply Brief, you'll see the Kentucky and Connecticut ratification paperwork. There can be no doubt this amendment was ratified by vote of the states of the time.

Note: If you want to see the record of the vote by Connecticut, The Lavergne Brief gives you just where it is in the Connecticut archives. You can go to Connecticut and look it up yourself. This voting record has been presented via this suit to David Ferriero many times in the last few years. To date, he has refused to act on it and by doing so, holds up the 28th Amendment to the Constitution from taking effect.

We know this is a long read but if you love a GOOD read, this is it. This suit covers all the bases on why this is a ratified amendment. The US Court of Appeals has described Attorney Eugene M. LaVergne as a "Respected Attorney". Found out why we have a 28th amendment and then share with all your friends and neighbors. The more people you tell about this, the better the chance that public pressure can bring this amendment to light.

Read the Final Reply Brief and Addendum to the US Court of Appeals by NJ Attorney Eugene M. LaVergne


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